Dental Implants Post-Treatment Care

Now that your dental implant surgery has been a complete success, congratulations on your newly implanted teeth. Whether you have been embarrassed about your broken or missing teeth or experienced discomfort with dentures, now is the time you truly experience the benefits of this modern teeth replacement solution.

Having regained your bite and chewing abilities, you no longer need to be careful about the types of food you can or cannot eat. You can say goodbye to the denture soaking rituals for good since your implanted teeth are a permanent part of your jaw. Even better, they look so natural nobody would be able to guess that you actually had them done.

However, the challenge is not over just yet. Following the surgical procedure, there are certain things you need to take note of to ensure the success of the entire treatment process. The good news is, dental implants last longer than other teeth replacement methods. As long as you look after them properly, you can look forward to many years of healthy, beautiful and functional teeth.

Here are some dental maintenance and safety tips to help you along:

Post-surgery instructions

After the surgery, you may experience some pain or discomfort. You may take over-the-counter painkiller and apply ice pack on the area to reduce the discomfort. The ice pack may be applied for about 20 minutes per time within the first six hours – up to two days – following the surgery. After two days, applying moist heat (e.g. tea bag) to the region would help to soothe whatever lingering pain you may still be experiencing.

In the first two days, keep your head elevated as per your dentist’s instructions. That would help your implants to heal quickly. Get plenty of rest and avoid strenuous exercise or work within the first three days of surgery. Avoid any food that requires hard chewing within the first week of getting your implants. Drink plenty of fluids – at least eight glasses of water every day. Be sure to complete the course of antibiotics and use the antibiotic oral rinse as per the dentist’s instructions. If you feel any discomfort due to the jaw bone growing around the titanium implant post, you may take the OTC painkiller for relief.

Clean your implanted teeth

In the same way your implants feel and function like your natural teeth, you will need to look after them as if they are real teeth. To prevent infection and control bacterial biofilm, you should make it a point to clean your implanted teeth after each meal. Maintain good oral hygiene with a daily home care cleaning regime (brushing/flossing) and regular professional maintenance at a dental clinic. There are special dental instruments and brushes that are used to clean different types of implants. These products are specifically designed to improve access to hard-to-reach areas (e.g. Angled brush heads) and prevent damaging the implant’s surface (e.g. Gentle interdental brushes). Similarly, you should floss regularly to get rid of plaque trapped in the crevices between your teeth. There are also special types of floss that are designed for implant care.

Dental checks

Periodic follow-up visits with the dentist are necessary to keep your implants healthy and in good shape. The dentist will check the condition of your implants to make sure that there are no complications or loosening of the restorations. It is recommended that you at least visit the dentist twice a year for the follow-up checks.

If you keep to these after care instructions and look after your dental implants, they tend to last for decades – even for a lifetime. To find out more about our dental implant treatments, contact Sydney CBD Dental at 02 9051 0503 today.